Reiki Healing

“Reiki is an intelligent form of healing. It is suggested that this & similar energy therapies may be valuable in the prevention & remission of some serious diseases that are costly in terms of human suffering and likely to be more expensive to health care in the future.”

- Reiki Federation

Reiki is the name given to a system of natural healing which evolved in Japan from the experience and dedication of Dr Mikao Usui.

Reiki is a Japanese word which means Universal Life Energy, an energy which is all around us. When this life energy is low, then our immunity is compromised and we become prone to dis-ease. We also become more susceptible to stress and our emotional, mental and spiritual health are adversely affected. When this energy is high we are joyful and healthy.

What can reiki do for me?

Reiki is a simple, natural and non-invasive method of healing and self improvement. It heals on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Reiki fuels the bodies homeostatic mechanisms which help assist the body restore its own balance and equilibrium.

Reiki boosts the immune system and promotes health and well-being. It is beneficial for anxiety, stress, depression, physical pain, difficulty relaxing or sleep problems. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

What does it feel like?

A healing feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you.

Some people report experiencing heat, tingling, floating, lightness, visualisations, emotional release, profound insights/revelations and deep feelings of relaxation.

Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, safety and wellbeing.

Reiki has an innate intelligence that goes beyond conscious reasoning & understanding, working on various levels to address imbalances within the body. Many have reported profound results. The main thing is that it works - whether or not you believe it will - reiki always goes where it is needed at that time in a persons life journey.

How many sessions do I need?

It is possible to heal at any level of being; physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Acute episodes can be helped to heal quickly but more chronic illness take longer. In some cases such as terminal illness, while there may not be sufficient time for the progress of the disease to be reversed, there is usually great benefit and enhancement of quality of life giving a sense of peace and acceptance.

I recommend a block of 6 sessions spaced every 14 days if you are looking to:

  • Heal/overcome a specific mental health issue such as anxiety

  • Heal from an injury

  • Reconnect to your intuition and bodies innate intelligence

  • Embark upon deep healing, transformation & open to creating positive change in your life.

If you are looking for a more general energy check up, I recommend coming once per month to enhance your overall wellness.

How does it actually work?

  • Everything in the Universe is made of energy, including our physical body. Quantum physics proves this!

  • The physical body is a wave of continually flowing energy.

  • When tension is experienced (which is inevitable in life) this creates a block in the natural flow of energy.

  • When that energy is then unable to flow through the tension area it has to flow around it and so the tension area is then deprived of energy. Like a stone in a river where the river cannot flow through the stone so has to flow around it.

  • The subsequent deprivation of energy flow in that part of the body eventually causes the blockage to manifest as dis-ease - illness, sickness. This can manifest in the emotional or mental body also.

  • The intense flow of energy from the Reiki healer via the 7 main chakra system helps to dissolve the blockages and stagnancy, thus enabling the energy to flow freely again and subsequently heal.

  • To avoid recurrence of the tension and any subsequent blocks, the person needs to be aware of what it was that caused the tension in the first place.

  • Because Reiki healing puts you into a meditative state it enhances awareness and strengthens intuition, enabling insight into what makes you tense or unhappy.

  • This is why regular healing is so important and effective.

Key benefits:

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Fuels bodies homeostatic mechanisms which support the body to restore its own balance & equilibrium 

  • Promotes inner peace & harmony

  • Relieves physical pain & discomfort

  • Balances mind, emotions and body systems

  • Helps to address the root cause of ailments/dis-ease

  • Promotes personal growth, awareness and development

  • Clears stagnancy & energetic blockages

  • Promotes deep states of relaxation

  • Strengthens your third eye, intuition and connection to self

  • Supports the body to cleanse/rid toxins

What should I expect?

All sessions begin with a consultation to help me identify where we need to focus on at this stage in your life journey. We will then set an intention for the session and engage in a short meditation to ground and breath work to relieve - creating the perfect conditions for your body to receive the healing.

To receive a healing, all you must do is lie down fully dressed and relax. 

I start a healing working around the head area and progress down the body via the main energy centre’s known as chakras. The healing works on the energy around your aura so there is limited physical contact.

I may make 1:1 contact on certain areas of the body if my intuition guides me too. I also use crystals, essential oils, sacred smoke & elements of sound healing to amplify the healing.

Because we are moving through blocks and layers of stagnant energy, you may experience: heat, tingling, floating, lightness, falling asleep, deep meditiaitve state, visualising colours, places & people, thinking profound thoughts, revelations, insights & messages & emotional response such as crying or laughing. Every experience is unique & welcomed in my safe space.

We end every session with sound to soothe and there will be time to discuss anything that came up for you and to pull an oracle card for deeper wisdom and clarity on the matter at hand. I will also use this time to share with you any intuitive messages that came through from your spirt team.

Post session:

You should leave the session feeling a deeper connection with yourself, a sense of empowerment and inner peace. You should also have more clarity. I always encourage to spend the next few days spending time with your thoughts & body - journalling is useful.

If you come regularly, we will embark upon a journey of remembrance to uncover your true potential by releasing any stagnant energy and blocks that are holding you back. Throughout your journey with me, I will share the importance of connecting with your intuition and living in alignment with your highest self for your greatest good.

Distant Reiki Healing

​Distant Reiki works just as effectively as in-person. In fact, I highly recommend it to people who are a little skeptical, because it usually turns doubters into believers. Because I am not physically there with you, you will be even more fascinated by how you feel post-session.

 It’s normal and smart to question this whole distant thing. Don’t worry, I get it. It took me a long time to understand the concept of distant healing until I've felt the healing benefits myself. 

How it works?

​Distance Reiki works because everything is energy and energy is not bound to time and space. We are all interconnected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole. We all have the ability to connect with someone energetically no matter where the person is in the world. Have you ever thought of someone randomly and this person called or texted you out of nowhere? We are always telephatically communicating and connecting energetically in one way or another.   ​

​Distant Reiki might be for you if you work long hours, do not reside near me, and want to experience the magic of energy healing at the comfort of your home.

This will take place via zoom and it’s recommended that you find somewhere comfortable to receive the healing. We will still engage in a consultation, mediation and breath work to begin, followed by an oracle card pull at the end of the session.

You can read more about the science & research supporting reiki here.

Please get in touch before booking a session with me if you have any questions or concerns.